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Fiend Magazine 1999 North American YoYo Tour
Exhibit #477
OwnerRick Brough

Fiend Magazine, a short-lived publication devoted to yo-yos and yo-yo play, sponsored a North American tour of yo-yo professionals in 1999. The tour sold the patch seen in this exhibit.

Original retail price: $8 US.

Of historical interest...
Single wing and double wing patches have long been a common theme in yo-yoing since 1949. See some of the yo-yo wing patch variations that have "taken flight" the past 70 years:

• Bird in Hand YoYo, double wing
• Cheerio Official Champion, double wing
• Cheerio Junior Champion, single wing
• 1955 Duncan Skill Award, single wing
• 1949 Duncan Expert Award, double wing
• Duncan 75th Anniversary, double wing
• 1949 Duncan Skill Award, single wing
• Goody Expert, double wing
• Royal Champion King of Yo-Yos, double wing
• Duncan Flying Eagle Champion, double wing
• Royal Yo-Yo Champion, double wing
• Fiend Magazine Yo-Yo Tour, double wing
• Tom Kuhn No Jive 3-in-1 Yo-Yo, double wing, version 2
• Tom Kuhn No Jive 3-in-1 Yo-Yo, double wing, version 1
• Tom Kuhn Custom Yo-Yos, double wing
• Duncan Yo-Yo Scout, double wing

2005-2023 Software © David W. Hall & Grahame BaptieWright
Content by David W. Hall & Rick Brough