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One Drop Side Effects - Brass Spike
Exhibit #4285
OwnerRick Brough

One Drop Spike Side Effects in brass. Weight of the set is 7.2 grams.

First introduced in 2010 on the One Drop 54 model, Side Effects are One Drop's axle system that let you easily swap out the hub to change the weight and appearance of your yo-yo. For yo-yo models that use this system, the Side Effects are interchangeable. That is, any Side Effects work on any Side Effects-compatible yo-yo. For example, the Zero Gravity Return Tops Janus, Round Spinning Objects Sushi, Mark Montgomery's Black Canon are just some of the non-One Drop models that incorporate Side Effects into their design.

Released July 13, 2021.

Original retail price per set: $12 US.

Of interest...
See a few of the One Drop yo-yo models that are compatible with the Side Effects in this exhibit:
• Panorama
• Deep State
• Dietz
• Gradient
Other Views
Brass Spike, large

2005-2023 Software © David W. Hall & Grahame BaptieWright
Content by David W. Hall & Rick Brough