Auldey Magic Tiger (2 in 1) |
Exhibit #3191 |
Type | Production |
Packaging | Display Boxed |
Construction | Multi-piece plastic |
Diameter | 58 mm |
Width | Depends on |
Weight | Depends on configuration |
Condition | Mint |
Date | 2017 |
Owner | Rick Brough |
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The Magic Tiger was a very unique and innovative 2-in-1 modular yo-yo from Chinese maker Auldey. It was marketed to children 5-8 years old who had no experience with yo-yos.
You can easily and quickly configure the Magic Tiger as an imperial-shaped yo-yo with a key reel system to help new players. Or, you could configure it as a butterfly-shaped yo-yo with a traditional ball bearing axle.
Using the key reel system let young children to master the basic movements of a yo-yo. For example, the key reel helps them get a feel for making the yo-yo go up and down, catching the yo-yo with the throwing hand, and accomplishing fundamental tricks such as Forward Pass, and Around the world. Over the past five years, Auldey has created many engaging and functional yo-yos designs that encourage young children who are new to yo-yo play. Rather than focusing on the practice aspect, their designs turn yo-yo play into a game-like experience, giving children a sense of accomplishment much quicker.
When a child has mastered the basic movements of the yo-yo, they can easily replace the key reel system with the enclosed ball bearing axle. They alternate the halves to create a butterfly-shaped yo-yo for traditional string trick play with a tug response. Very innovative at a time when today's metal yo-yos and ridiculously fast play does nothing to entice, entertain, or encourage children to pick up the sport.
Because the Magic Tiger is a specialized design, it can only be configured as an imperial-shaped yo-yo with the key reel, or a butterfly-shaped yo-yo with the ball bearing axle for string tricks. It is not possible to configure the yo-yo as a butterfly with the key reel, nor as an imperial with the ball bearing axle.
To reduce mail costs from Japan, the yo-yo was intentionally shipped in its clamshell packaging, without the product box.
Collected December 30, 2017.
Original retail price: $20 US.
Butterfly shape (with ball bearing axle)
Diameter: 58mm
Width: 38mm
Weight: 58gm
Bearing size: custom
Imperial shape (with key reel)
Diameter: 58mm
Width: 46mm
Weight: 83gm
Of interest...
Reversible yo-yos have been around since about 1978. Here are a few that have been manufactured over the years:
• Tom Kuhn - No Jive 3 in 1. This yo-yo was the first that let you configure it one of three ways: Imperial, Butterfly, or Pagoda. Its design was patented in 1978.
• TMBR - This-A-Way / That-A-Way Standard. You can configure this yo-yo's shape one of two ways: Imperial or Butterfly.
• TMBR - This-A-Way / That-A-Way Deluxe. You can configure this yo-yo's shape one of two ways: Imperial or Butterfly.
• SuperYo - SuperYo Renegade, version 1. This yo-yo was the first ball bearing yo-yo that let you configure it one of three ways: Imperial, Butterfly, or Pagoda.
• SuperYo - SuperYo Renegade, version 2. This yo-yo was the first ball bearing yo-yo that let you configure it one of three ways: Imperial, Butterfly, or Pagoda.
• Auldey - Magic Tiger. You can configure this yo-yo's shape one of two ways: Imperial or Butterfly.
• Auldey - Dark Lion. You can configure this yo-yo's shape one of two ways: Imperial or Butterfly.
• Auldey - Flame Tiger V. You can configure this yo-yo's shape one of two ways: Imperial or Butterfly.
• Out of Hand - Limbo. You can configure this yo-yo's shape one of three ways: Imperial, Butterfly, or Pagoda.
• Out of Hand - Fat Limbo. You can configure this yo-yo's shape one of three ways: Imperial, Butterfly, or Pagoda. |  |
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