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Tom Kuhn
2000 Celebrate Life!

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National Yo-Yo Museum
Chico CA

Cheerio Winner Cheerio Contest (1941)
Exhibit #2791
OwnerRick Brough

Cheerio yo-yo contest winner beanie cap from the late 1930s to early 1940s. It was not unusual to have a parent pin--not sew--additional Cheerio contest patches to the brim of their child's cap. You can see the remnants of a safety pin just to the upper-right of the Winner Cheerio Contest patch. Unfortunately, the pinned award patch is missing. The hat fit the head of an 8-12 year old and was made out of cloth and stiffened felt.

Compare with the I'm a Cheerio Champion cap from the same time period. See also the Cheerio 99 Champions (1939) photograph.
Other Views
Hat, large
Close-up of patch

2005-2024 Software © David W. Hall & Grahame BaptieWright
Content by David W. Hall & Rick Brough