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Tom Kuhn Abercrombie & Fitch
Exhibit #2357
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OwnerRick Brough

An early Tom Kuhn custom-made No Jive 3-in-1 modular yo-yo made for the high-end retail stores of Abercrombie & Fitch.

This model of Tom Kuhn yo-yo was originally sold in a branded, black velvet draw-string pouch. The pouch also included the Tom Kuhn "Pumping Wood" No Jive 3 in 1 yo-yo instruction booklet that was stapled together, an A&F Yo-Yo card on performance tips, a spool of Tom Kuhn cotton string, and two spare wooden axles. The back of the stapled booklet has a cartoon caricature of a smiling Tom Kuhn in a "State of Yo" with the sun shining and butterflies fluttering around him.

At some point, the stapled booklets became a single folded sheet of instructions with the same dimensions as the stapled version. However, the booklet contents remained the same with one exception: the caricature of Tom Kuhn was replaced with two cartoon characters spinning yo-yos around the words "Have Fun!!".

This particular yo-yo was purchased from an individual in Vancouver, B.C. Canada. They originally bought it in 1988 at the first Abercrombie & Fitch retail store that opened in Canada. The store was located in Vancouver at the Oakridge Shopping Center at 41st and Cambie. The store is no longer there.

This yo-yo, along with the velvet pouch, spool of yo-yo string, 2 replacement wooden axles, and full documentation, is hard to find. Today, the yo-yo is most often found on the aftermarket sold by itself or missing one or more of the four additional items pictured.
Other Views
A&F Yo-Yo card, side A
A&F Yo-Yo card, side B
Pumping Wood booklet, front
Pumping Wood booklet, back

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Content by David W. Hall & Rick Brough