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Bob Allen Sidewinder return top - SW-104
Exhibit #1976
ShapeStandard (-)
PackagingBubble Carded
ConstructionMulti-piece plastic
ConditionMint in Package
OwnerRick Brough

The Bob Allen Sidewinder Return Top, manufactured in Japan around 1965 and sold exclusively in California. Used a wood axle with no starburst response. Back of card has interesting information about Bob Allen contests, prizes, and different yo-yo models. Bob Allen also had his own brand of string packs to go with their yo-yo lineup And, he had his own award system that included, among other things, award ribbons similar to those that child won at an elementary school during a Sports Day or Field Day.
Product code is SW-103.

As indicated on the packaging, "Sidewinder" was a registered trademark owned by Robert E. Allen. It's not clear how long Mr. Allen used the trademark. However, in July 2008, "Sidewinder" (and "Side Winder") became a trademark of Yomega. By March 2010, Yomega abandoned it.

Bob Allen was a former professional yo-yo demonstrator for Duncan in the 1950s.

Original retail price: 99 cents.

See also the Bob Allen Side Winder SW-103.
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2005-2024 Software © David W. Hall & Grahame BaptieWright
Content by David W. Hall & Rick Brough