Sponsors and Curators
The Museum of Yo-Yo History is a labor of love, and we would not be able to stay up-to-date with exhibits without the support of our sponsors and curators. Big thanks go to One Drop Design and Duncan for supplying us with their latest models, YoYoExpert for their help and support, and to Cody Orr, TotalArtist and YoYoBrothers™ for allowing us to use their collections!
If you're a manufacturer, or just a big collector and you want to help support the Museum drop me at line at chimera@yoyomuseum.com
Cheerio Demonstrator with contest winners |
Exhibit #3225 |
Type | Event |
Date | 1930 |
To | 1935 |
Owner | Rick Brough |
Compare | |
Cheerio yo-yo contest winners pictured with a Cheerio demonstrator, policemen, and business and government digintaries somewhere in Ontario, Canada, circa early 1930s. Names unknown. This picture is an interesting window to the past during the early years of yo-yo in Canada.
Historically, in 1928-29, as word of the yo-yo toy migrated northward up the west coast from Santa Barbara, California (home of Pedro Flores' Yo-Yo Manufacturing Co.), young entrepreneurs on Vancouver Island heard about the Flores yo-yo, and began their own manufacturing of the toy. It was originally known as Hiker Yo-Yos. Within a few years, about 1932 or 1933, Hiker became Cheerio Yo-Yo and production was moved to Ontario where it remained for more than 20 years.
Close-ups of the demonstrator and the winners reveal very early (and rare) Cheerio patches. Based on the time period and the yo-yos seen in the hands of the two winners in the center of the picture, and the broad stripe painted on them, it suggests that they are using the Cheerio 99 Kitchener model. | |
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