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Special - No. 3265

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Mr Yodel FreeHand 2
Exhibit #68
ShapeConcave )-(
ColorClear Painted in Multicolors
PackagingPoly Bagged
ConstructionMulti-piece plastic
ResponseFriction Sticker
Diameter2.25" Dia
GapAdjustable - Twist
Weight74 g
Estimated Value$25
OwnerDavid Hall

One of Mr.Yodel's custom designs from 2004. John Higby has been well know for his painting and custom yo-yos since the early days of Proyo. He paints the "inside" of clear yo-yos for a radiant effect on the outer surface, and usually adds one of his custom sidecaps as well. He turns standard clear releases into Yo-Yo Art. This is painted and "yodelized" Duncan FreeHand 2 with bearing axle and weight distribution. Released sometime in 2004. 

Other Examples
Mr Yodel
FreeHand 2
Mr Yodel
FreeHand 2
Mr Yodel
FreeHand 2
Mr Yodel
FreeHand 2
2005-2024 Software © David W. Hall & Grahame BaptieWright
Content by David W. Hall & Rick Brough