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Duncan Beginners - No. 44 (mini)
Exhibit #4263
ShapeStandard (-)
ConstructionThree piece wood
ConditionMint in Package
OwnerRick Brough

Purple and blue painted maple Duncan Beginners Yo-Yo, No. 44 B, stamped in gold leaf. On the yo-yo's face, between "Duncan" and "Beginners" text is the head of Duncan's Mr. Yo-Yo also stamped in gold leaf. Back of packaging shows a cartoon drawing of Mr. Yo-Yo demonstrating how to do the Forward Pass trick; descriptive text was also added next to the drawings. A late 1950s to early 1960s version of the Beginner. Yo-yo used a pegged string or, as Duncan described it, an "[a]nchored string type".

See these other Duncan Beginners Yo-Yo card variations that have appeared in the past:
• Duncan Beginners - No. 44 B - block price, Mr. Yo-Yo on right, Forward Pass trick in black on card back.
• Duncan Beginners - No. 44 - script price, Mr. Yo-Yo on left, Duncan yo-yo trick book offer on card back.
• Duncan Beginners - No. 44 - block price, Mr. Yo-Yo on right, Forward Pass trick in color on card back.

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2005-2024 Software © David W. Hall & Grahame BaptieWright
Content by David W. Hall & Rick Brough