No longer made, the Wing Force was Yomega's version of a computer designed aluminum butterfly-shaped (read: wing) ball bearing yo-yo, first released in 1998. The body was made from aluminum and had a white powder coat applied to its surface. A black powder coat version was also made. The black version is considered much easier to find compared to the white version. Very few of the white version was made. Used a size E ball bearing axle. This 1998 version used a recessed starburst design for its response similar to the recessed starburst design used in Henrys Coral Snake from 1999 (see the "Internals" image in the exhibit). Yomega redesigned the response of the Wing Force in 1999.
Historically, the Wing Force is the yo-yo that long-time yo-yo professional Mark McBride used to invent his now-famous trick Velvet Rolls. Mark first demonstrated the trick publicly at the Groundhogs Day Juggling Festival in Atlanta, Georgia in 1998. The Wing Force was also the model of yo-yo used to start an entirely new category of yo-yo play known as 3A. That is, the player uses two yo-yos--one on each hand--to perform string tricks.