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Freehand One AL - Duncan Equals Love (2021)

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National Yo-Yo Museum
Chico CA

Mr Yodel Public Works Painting
Exhibit #3092
SizeHeight 24
OwnerDavid Hall

This painting was commissioned in 2014. John did some thinking on this one, and finished it in 2016. I had redecorated my office at Bernalillo County Traffic Engineering in Albuquerque, and put up my two previous paintings. But I wanted something to reflect my job as a Transportation Engineer, and my "yo-yo" past.

Here is the result. John Higby's interpretation of Public Works here in New Mexico, including a Zen yo-yo master that reminds me of the old ghost in the Milagro Beanfield War movie. And the Bernalillo County Emblem, perfect for my office! Smaller than the last two paintings at 24" by 30".

Commissioned in 2014 by David Hall, "The Yo-Yo Collector", and owner of Skilltoys.com. Master Curator of the Museum of Yo-Yo History.
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2005-2024 Software © David W. Hall & Grahame BaptieWright
Content by David W. Hall & Rick Brough