The Bass Line 2 is a follow-up to 3YO3’s first metal yo-yo, the Bass Line. The Bass Line was a very underrated yo-yo that didn’t get the attention it deserved, and designer Landon Balk is hoping to change that with this new model. Let’s get right to the review.
The first thing that attracted me to the Bass Line 2 is the packaging. Most manufacturers use a standard cardboard or plastic box, but 3YO3 has gone far beyond that for this yo-yo. The Bass Line 2 comes in what can only be described as a miniature treasure chest – a wood and leather masterpiece with a metal catch, it flips open to reveal the wonder inside. While some may argue that the packaging on a yo-yo isn’t important, that it’s what’s inside that counts I’m of the opinion that if you’re charging $100+ for a yo-yo you are going after the collector, as much as the player market. Thus, the presentation becomes a very important part of the package. To that extent, 3YO3 presents the Bass Line 2 perfectly and my only criticism would be that inside the box the yo-yo is wrapped in plain old bubble wrap. To complete the package a piece of charcoal foam cut to fit the yo-yo would have been going the extra mile, and is something I intend to add to my Bass Line 2 box.

I’m a big proponent of “organic” yo-yos, the classic Duncan Butterfly™ shape that everyone remembers from their childhood. While newer yo-yos tend to use mostly V or H shapes, or some type of hybrid sometimes a manufacturer will produce the smooth, rounded shape that I prefer. One Drop did this with their Benchmark series actually producing the yo-yo in all 3 shapes, and the Bass Line 2 is what I’d call a truly classic Organic. Incredibly smooth without a sharp edge anywhere, it feels incredible in the hand – comfortable and familiar, and a weighing in at a nice mid-range 65.6g. For the Bass Line 2, 3YO3 have switched to using One Drop’s “Side Effect” axle system with custom made effects borrowing from the design of the original Bass Line hubs. Inside, the response is flowable silicone however the Bass Line 2 will accept One Drop Flow Groove pads for those that prefer replaceable self-adhesive pads.

When you first hold the Bass Line 2 in your hand, one thing you will notice immediately is how soft it feels. 3YO3 has used a charcoal blast to give the yo-yo a great feel, incredibly smooth and soft to the touch. The Bass Line 2 is available in a variety of solid colors and splashes, I personally chose to purchase a Nighthawk (black) and High Roller (Gold) and mix the halves to produce a classic black and gold result, something I think suits the shape very well and gives an old-school feel.
The Bass Line 2 was never going to be a speedy yo-yo, with its high walled shape and lighter weight it’s an incredibly mellow throw. It glides easily from trick to trick, definitely floaty but never too much so. I find it to be calming, giving my play a relaxed style that suits me very well. That’s not to say it doesn’t perform – it’s stable yet gyros very well on command, the silicone response is a little grabby to start but breaks in quickly and gives tight binds. The super-soft and smooth surface makes it excellent for grinds, feeling like it’s hardly touching your skin.
The Bass Line 2 was never going to be a speedy yo-yo, with its high walled shape and lighter weight it’s an incredibly mellow throw. It glides easily from trick to trick, definitely floaty but never too much so. I find it to be calming, giving my play a relaxed style that suits me very well. That’s not to say it doesn’t perform – it’s stable yet gyros very well on command, the silicone response is a little grabby to start but breaks in quickly and gives tight binds. The super-soft and smooth surface makes it excellent for grinds, feeling like it’s hardly touching your skin.

I had to have the Bass Line 2 as soon as I saw it. As mentioned before, I love organic yo-yos and just knew from the look that it was right for me. Ringing in at $110 it’s not cheap but the look, feel, play, and overall presentation of the Bass Line 2 make it 100% worth the price tag. It’s the complete package and won’t be out of place in anyone’s collection, whether you’re a serious competitor or a collector with a more casual style.
Grahame Wright - 7/2/2014