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The Museum of Yo-Yo History is a labor of love, and we would not be able to stay up-to-date with exhibits without the support of our sponsors and curators. Big thanks go to One Drop Design and Duncan for supplying us with their latest models, YoYoExpert for their help and support, and to Cody Orr, TotalArtist and YoYoBrothers™ for allowing us to use their collections!

If you're a manufacturer, or just a big collector and you want to help support the Museum drop me at line at chimera@yoyomuseum.com
CLYW Campfire - Coal 2010 (mini)
Exhibit #3649
TypeSpecial Release
ShapeConcave )-(
ConstructionMulti-piece aluminum
ResponseSilicon Ring
Diameter48 mm
Width34 mm
Gap Width4 mm
Weight63 gm
OwnerRick Brough

The original CLYW Campfire Coal, released October 29, 2009 in four solid colors (green, purple, orange, and dark navy blue), was made by CLYW (Caribou Lodge Yo-Yo Works) of Alberta, Canada. When asked why Chris Mikulin, owner of CLYW, decided to create this yo-yo [when all their other releases were full-size models] he said, "I wanted to reach out to CLYW fans who can't afford $115-150 yoyos. I was also receiving a lot of requests from people, team members, and stores to make a smaller pocket sized yoyo. Plus I felt that we could design a small yoyo that could go with you anywhere and that looked/played amazing, and was an improvement upon what was currently available. So far my Campfire goes with me everywhere, so I think we did okay."

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From Chris Mikulin on August 23, 2009:
"The Campfire is our answer to the "lower cost" yoyos that you've been seeing at your favourite yoyo stores. We've minimalized it as much as we thought we could. No IRG, Small diameter/narrow profile (less metal cut = less machine time), simple inner hub shape, solid anodized colours, easy laser engraving - we still haven't nailed down a price yet, but once we know you'll know as well.

The idea for the Campfire is a cheaper Caribou Lodge pocket yoyo that you can take anywhere you want and not feel like the pocket of your pants is going to explode ... all while still mainting the unique look, feel and play of a CLYW yoyo. I'm still waiting for the silicone to dry so it better play like a CLYW yoyo ... haha."

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From the clyw.ca/campfire-coals/ website, June 25, 2010 (I am assuming it was Chris Mikulin who wrote the following):
"Last fall [2009] I was given a great idea from Mitch at BTNC [BTNC, also known as Beatnic, was a street culture boutique shop in Fullerton, CA that sold, among other things, CLYW yo-yos; they are no longer in business] for a Campfire edition ... 'Campfire Coal'.

I made 22 [Campfire Coal] and have been sitting on them for quite some time. No stores will be selling any. The only way you'll be able to get one is if you are at one of the random contests we've sponsored or if you're going to MWR (Midwest Regional Yo-Yo Contest) this weekend.

We'll be selling 10 there. If you're interested in getting one find either CLYW team member Adam Brewster or Abe Da Gravedigga at the MWR BBQ ... or possibly after the contest [because] they aren't allowed to be selling them at the mall..."

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The statement No stores will be selling any was both misleading and incorrect. These were sold on the http://www.airtrafficonline.com website in August, 2010. The stylized campfire art on the box lid was done by Jensen Kimmitt. At the time, Jensen was an accomplished yo-yo competitor from Edmonton, Alberta and an employee of CLYW.

Original retail price: $77 US.

A Campfire - Higby edition was also released in limited numbers in January, 2010.

On December 5, 2024, CLYW re-released the slightly updated Campfire model in three new colors: Baby Blue ($55 US), Hulk Smash (green with purple splash, $60 US), and Orange ($55 US). All three editions were engraved with the campfire logo similar to the campfire design seen on the box of the original 2009/2010 version.

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Content by David W. Hall & Rick Brough