According to the individual I bought this yo-yo from, this version of Big Brother Wedgie yo-yo seen in this exhibit was one of two that were made for the OK (Oklahoma) State Yo-Yo championship in June 2009. Whether it was a contest award or given away at the contest is not known. The Wedgie was a butterfly configured yo-yo made out of 6065 aluminum and used a size A ball bearing axle. Some Wedgie editions used flowable silicone for the response and other editions used rubber O-rings. This model was the sophomore release from Big Brother Yo-Yo Company.
Big Brother Yo-Yo Company was an obscure, short-lived boutique brand started by Douglas Spence in 2008 and based out of Woodbury, Minnesota.
Recipe Diameter: 50mm
Width: 39mm
Weight: 65.7gm
Material: Rubber O-rings; other editions used flowable silicone
Original retail price: $ US.
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