Duncan Glow Imperial - No. 3057 |
Exhibit #4080 |
Type | Production |
Shape | Standard (-) |
Axle | Fixed |
Color | Glow |
Packaging | Bubble Carded |
Construction | Multi-piece plastic |
Response | Starburst |
Gap | Fixed |
Condition | Mint in Package |
Date | 1994 |
Owner | Rick Brough |
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The venerable Duncan Glow Imperial from the early to mid 1990s.
Notice that the card still uses the slogan, "If it isn't a Duncan it isn't a Yo-Yo." Pedro Flores is actually credited with coining the slogan, first used in the early 1930s: "If it isn't a Flores, it isn't a yo-yo." When Duncan bought out Flores, Donald Duncan, Sr. continued using the slogan on yo-yo packaging for many years afterward.
This card design was from the early 1990s, but the back of the card has a copyright date of 1994.
Original retail price: $3 US.
Compare also to the following:
• Hyper Glow (1997)
• Glow Imperial (1994)
• Glow Imperial (1972-1974)
• Glow Imperial (1969-1971)
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