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Tom Kuhn Magda 95er Yo-Yo
Exhibit #404
TypeSpecial Release
ShapeConcave )-(
ConstructionThree piece wood
Weight50 g
Estimated Value$25
ConditionMint in Package
OwnerDavid Hall

Magda Kuhn Gruen is Tom Kuhn's mother. This yo-yo was made to celebrate her 95th birthday, and to raise money for her favorite charity, the Parkinson’s Disease Association. Tom's father was a victim of Parkinsons.

This special release shows Magda as a child in 1913 on one side, and at 95 on the other.

Official description from the Tom Kuhn website in 2004:

“The Magda 95er Birthday Commemorative Yo-Yo.. is    a butterfly profiled, fixed axle model well suited  for  all standard yo-yo tricks. But please, keep this one in the collection and remember that it's reason for its prominent position is your generous contribution  to a very worthy cause;   Parkinson's Disease Research.

March 2, 2004 marked the 95th birthday of a giving and wonderful lady. Magda Kuhn Gruen (1909-2010) is Dr. Tom Kuhn’s mother. She lives in her own home in Tamarac Florida and has volunteered at Tamarac’s University Hospital for 27 years in the surgical recovery waiting room. She is greatly appreciated and beloved by the staff and fellow volunteers. This beautiful one piece maple butterfly yo-yo was made in her honor.  The photo on the front shows her as she is today, a vital 95 year old, while the other side shows her as a 4 year old. It is the only known photo of her as a child taken in Budapest Hungary. Magda donates to many charities, but her favorite is the American Parkinson’s Disease Association. This progressive central nervous system disorder affects more than 1.5 million Americans. Her husband Paul Kuhn (Dr. Yos father) battled with Parkinsons Disease for 18 years.  Now you can own this collector’s edition yo-yo for $30. All profits will be donated to the Research of Parkinson's Disease through one of the Associations listed below.
Happy Birthday Magda!”

From a 2004 newsletter by the University Hospital and Medical Center in Tamarac, Florida:
“Volunteer Corner
What can you say about a Volunteer who is 95 years old and has volunteered at UHMC for more than 27 years? Magda Gruen has spent more than 12,000 hours in the Surgical Waiting Room providing service to our visitors while their loved ones are in surgery. Magda is very devoted to her job. She has a big heart and feels it is her duty to help others in need. Magda’s help is constant, an inspiration to patients and families, as well as to the staff.

Recently, the Surgery Department, along with the entire hospital, celebrated Magda’s 95th birthday with lunch and cake for all. We are all privileged to know and work with a person who demonstrates her character and dedication to helping others.”
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Content by David W. Hall & Rick Brough