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Duncan Yo Yo Champion 1961 First Place Trophy - Area
Exhibit #2575
OwnerRick Brough

The museum's second yo-yo contest trophy comes to us from the great state of Texas, courtesy of David B. The Duncan yo-yo contest setting: Chelmont Shopping Center, El Paso, Texas, 1961. David's memory of the event still brings back happy memories all these years later: "There were 15 different types of yo-yo tricks that you needed to perform. There were also about 40 players with the foreign yo-yo champion from the Philippines holding the tournament. The demonstrator would go down the line of 40, one by one. We had to perform the first trick, with only one chance to complete the trick without any errors. If you made a mistake, you were immediately eliminated from the tournament. This process continued until I was the only player left in the tournment. I was declared the winner." David, who was 11 years old at the time, won the area tournament and received the shorter trophy that you see in this exhibit.

Next for David came the district Duncan yo-yo contest. Again, the setting was El Paso. He explains, "Players came to the tournament who were from out of town. In all, there were approximately 90 contestants, most were winners from smaller area contests. So, the competition was very intense. The same yo-yo tricks that were required in the area tournament, were also required for the regional tournament. Again, with single elimination." David ended up winning this contest as well. His reward was the taller trophy that appears in this exhibit. Being only 11 and a newly minted yo-yo champion among so many youth was an exciting moment for David. He goes on to say that, "[T]he Duncan Filipino demonstrator traveled throughout the United States, holding yo-yo tournaments. He was a real professional. It was beautiful to watch him perform using two yo-yos at the same time."

Special Thank You to David B. for sharing this yo-yo memory with us.

Of interest...
See the Duncan Champion of the Yo-Yo Top Tournaments trophy that was the forerunner to the trophy pictured above.
Other Views
Trophy front, large
Trophy Front, angled
Trophy back

Other Examples
First Place Trophy - District
2005-2023 Software © David W. Hall & Grahame BaptieWright
Content by David W. Hall & Rick Brough