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Sponsors and Curators
The Museum of Yo-Yo History is a labor of love, and we would not be able to stay up-to-date with exhibits without the support of our sponsors and curators. Big thanks go to One Drop Design and Duncan for supplying us with their latest models, YoYoExpert for their help and support, and to Cody Orr, TotalArtist and YoYoBrothers™ for allowing us to use their collections!

If you're a manufacturer, or just a big collector and you want to help support the Museum drop me at line at chimera@yoyomuseum.com
Mr Yodel FreeHand Zero
Exhibit #942
TypeSpecial Release
ShapeConcave )-(
ColorYellow & Gray
ConstructionMulti-piece plastic
ResponseFriction Sticker
Diameter2.25" Dia
GapAdjustable - Spacers
Weight65 g
Estimated Value$35
OwnerDavid Hall

Duncan commissioned John Higby, Mr Yodel, to do a special run of FreeHand Zeros, painted in assorted colors. Beautiful work as always. Painted on the inside surfaces of a clear FHZ. Each one is also numbered.

1000 of these were sent to Duncan and packaged. A huge undertaking for John Higby, considering each one is hand painted. And that is part of the reason this one was photographed IN the package. Collectible yo-yos are always worth more sealed in the original package. Pictured here is #360 of 1000.
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Package View

Other Examples
Mr Yodel
FreeHand Zero
Mr Yodel
FreeHand Zero
Mr Yodel
FreeHand Zero
Mr Yodel
FreeHand Zero
Mr Yodel
FreeHand Zero
Mr Yodel
FreeHand Zero
2005-2024 Software © David W. Hall & Grahame BaptieWright
Content by David W. Hall & Rick Brough