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Sengoku Hanzo (holes)
Exhibit #4529
ShapeConcave )-(
ConstructionMulti-piece metal
ResponseCBC Slim Pad
OwnerRick Brough

From the yoyorewind.com website:
"Sengoku - Hanzo

A monometal version of the full metal yo-yo with "Hattori" holes.

The Sengoku Hanzo is the monometal version of the bi-metal yo-yo Sengoku Hattori, which has a holes in the shape of a shuriken. Not only is the Hanzo a monometal body instead of a bi-metal body, but it is also much lighter at 60 gm (the Hattori is 64 gm) to further emphasize the unique spinning sound and light feeling of mono-metal.

Considering that the Hattori weighed 64 gm range, the Hanzo is a completely different yo-yo, even though it shares the same concept of having holes in the body. The sound of the yo-yo ripping through the air and the exhilarating sensation of nimbly manipulating a "weapon" captivates the user.

It is no exaggeration to say that metal yo-yos, which increase their spinning power by cutting the main part of the body as thin as possible, still have few options, but this is a yo-yo that has chosen a kind of ultimate weight reduction, and the appeal of this product is that its acceptance varies greatly from player to player.

*Please do not perform finger spins, grinds, or other tricks that involve touching your fingers during sleep.
*Keep away from hair and other objects that may get caught."

Design: Japan
Diameter: 56.48mm
Width: 43.6mm
Weight: 60.3gm
Bearing: Size C, Center Trac
Response pads: Slim, 19mm
Axle: M4 × 10mm
Material: 7068 aluminum

Released July 18, 2022

Original retail price: $78 US.

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Content by David W. Hall & Rick Brough