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The Museum of Yo-Yo History is a labor of love, and we would not be able to stay up-to-date with exhibits without the support of our sponsors and curators. Big thanks go to One Drop Design and Duncan for supplying us with their latest models, YoYoExpert for their help and support, and to Cody Orr, TotalArtist and YoYoBrothers™ for allowing us to use their collections!

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Duncan Freehand One AL - Small Bearing
Exhibit #4353
ShapeConcave )-(
ConstructionMulti-piece aluminum
ResponseCBC Slim Pad
OwnerRick Brough

A bearing. The Duncan Freehand One AL - Small bearing edition with orange body and black side caps.

From Duncan:
"We are going all-in with our Freehand line. We spent a lot of time debating whether to release it or not, but here we are, releasing it to the wild. Presenting the Freehand One AL – Small Bearing [size A].

The release of the Freehand One AL with big bearing was a great throwback and an instant classic, but we weren’t satisfied with just that: We felt there was more to the Freehand experience that we hadn’t conveyed, and the Freehand One AL with small bearing really gives you that full Freehand One experience that we were after.

The small bearing gives you some really snappy binds due to its smaller gap, which gives the Freehand One AL with small bearing some really neat old-school vibes. Every throw is a guaranteed blast from the past, and the original Freehand shape is the cherry on top.

A staple feature of smaller bearings is the naturally smaller gap, which challenges you to get better at controlling the yo-yo, effectively refining your yo-yo play. After testing this yo-yo for months, there were two features we identified that stood out the most:

irst, the amount of sheer joy it gives you when you play with it is incomparable to other yo-yos. Seriously. It’s just like the original plastic FH1 but made of metal. How fun is that? Second, it’s a great yo-yo to practice with: It really forces you to control your tricks and your body in each motion.

This new small bearing Freehand One AL comes with a small flat bearing (Size A) with a semi-tug responsive feeling; enough for quick regen, stalls, and all other sorts of throwback tricks! To make your Freehand One AL small bearing entirely unresponsive, we recommend switching to a Size A Dif-E-Yo bearing."

From spingear.com:
"A size bearing model is now available in ONE AL, which is a full metal version of the original FREEHAND.

FREEHAND ONE AL was made following the original shape , but the only difference was the bearing specifications.

This model is finally equipped with A size bearings. We achieved a more classic feel that is closer to the original.

In some cases, the standard is a dry flat A size bearing that pulls it back. It's similar to the feeling of the early freehands when you pull back and barely come back, or don't come back at all.

It is also recommended to choose between adding oil and using it for pulling back, or installing a concave bearing and using it for binding."

Diameter: 56mm
Width: 39.7mm
Gap Width: 3.02mm
Weight: 65.8gm
Bearing: Size A
Response: Duncan SG sticker, small
Body material: 6061 aluminum
Design: USA
Manufacture: China
Released: October 1, 2021

Original retail price: $55 US.
Other Views
Side angled, large
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2005-2023 Software © David W. Hall & Grahame BaptieWright
Content by David W. Hall & Rick Brough