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The Museum of Yo-Yo History is a labor of love, and we would not be able to stay up-to-date with exhibits without the support of our sponsors and curators. Big thanks go to One Drop Design and Duncan for supplying us with their latest models, YoYoExpert for their help and support, and to Cody Orr, TotalArtist and YoYoBrothers™ for allowing us to use their collections!

If you're a manufacturer, or just a big collector and you want to help support the Museum drop me at line at chimera@yoyomuseum.com
Playmaxx/ProYo Roadster - Master Champion Flores (handfinished)
Exhibit #4036
TypeSpecial Release
PackagingPoly Bagged
ConstructionOne piece wood
Diameter63.5 mm
OwnerRick Brough

The ProYo Roadster - Master Champion Flores Return Top. This yo-yo was a limited edition of 100 pieces that came out August 7, 2000. It commemorated Pedro Flores, the man who popularized the beloved toy in the late 1920s, early 1930s in North America. Like Pedro's original one piece yo-yos from back then, this special edition from the 21st century is also made from a single piece of maple wood for perfect balance.

The ProYo "Flores" was sold exclusively to Yo-Yo Collective members. Of the 100 pieces, 20 were hand-finished (sanded and stained) by Matthew Carter, aka Scarecrow, a popular yo-yo personality at the time. The yo-yo in this exhibit is one of those 20 that were hand-finished. The reverse side features a simulated hand-carved tropical scene. The scene is reminiscent of similar designs that Filipino yo-yo demonstrators would sometimes hand-carve into a child's yo-yo in the 40s and 50s.

Original retail price: $10 US.
Other Views
Side A, angled, large
Side B, large
Side A, alternate angle

2005-2024 Software © David W. Hall & Grahame BaptieWright
Content by David W. Hall & Rick Brough