Sponsors and Curators
The Museum of Yo-Yo History is a labor of love, and we would not be able to stay up-to-date with exhibits without the support of our sponsors and curators. Big thanks go to One Drop Design and Duncan for supplying us with their latest models, YoYoExpert for their help and support, and to Cody Orr, TotalArtist and YoYoBrothers™ for allowing us to use their collections!
If you're a manufacturer, or just a big collector and you want to help support the Museum drop me at line at chimera@yoyomuseum.com
Duncan/Cheerio Gerald Schick patch collection |
Exhibit #3413 |
Date | 1949 |
To | 1959 |
Owner | Rick Brough |
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Gerald (Jerry) Schick (August 6, 1939--September 8, 2009) grew up in Royal Oak, Michigan, a north suburb of Detroit. At the age of 21, Gerald married his sweetheart Sue in 1960. By 1962, he and his wife moved east about 10 miles to Warren, Michigan. It was there that they planted their family roots and raised four children -- Lynn, Steve, Elaine, and Kathie, all while Gerald enjoyed a successful career. It's what occurred in Gerald's young life, from 1949 to 1959, that this exhibit places its focus. His children were kind enough to share a few memories of their father.
"Looking back on him now, I see that my dad had a passion for life that is rare. His skills and interests varied widely. For example, he enjoyed performing magic tricks for us kids, roller skating and showing us some really cool moves; he coached my brother's Little League baseball team, played softball, shot pool and, of course, played with yo-yos."
"When my dad was a child -- probably starting in the late-1940s and into the mid- or late-1950s -- he competed in numerous yo-yo contests in the Royal Oak area. His yo-yoing expertise helped him to win many patches from Duncan and Cheerio [the patches associated with this exhibit are only a small sample of what Gerald earned during his active yo-yoing years] and at least one trophy. As a teenager, his yo-yo skills paid off when he became a demonstrator for Duncan and Cheerio [note that Duncan acquired the Cheerio brand in 1954]. I actually have some of his demonstration schedules from that time!"
"Growing up, it was always fun to look over his yo-yos and the patches he had won over the years when he was young. Both my brother, Steve, and my sister, Elaine, reminded me of a really large yo-yo he had. It was about 6-8 inches across with really pretty details in the center of each side. My dad had told us a story about how it was used as a weapon. Unfortunately, that particular yo-yo is no longer in his collection and we don't know where it may have gone."
"My siblings and I all have memories of our dad doing yo-yo tricks for us and our friends. My sister, Lynn, loved the yo-yo tricks Texas Star, Rock the Baby, and many of the others he knew. My personal favorite was a trick he called Bank Deposit. He'd shoot the yo-yo down and between his legs, back up over his right hip, and into his pocket. As much as I loved seeing all of the other tricks, that one was my favorite by far."
"Throughout his life, my dad never lost his interest in yo-yos. Lynn and I lived in Arizona for a time and my parents would drive from Michigan to Arizona every year for part of the winter. In the late 1990s or early 2000s, I found out my supervisor's son was interested in yo-yos and my dad and I drove over to her house so that he could show her son some tricks. At some point in the last few years of his life while my parents were in Arizona, my sister and I were talking with my mom about my dad and his yo-yos. I stated that I bet he had a yo-yo somewhere in the van; my mom didn't think so. When my dad came in the room, I asked if he had a yo-yo in the van. His response was, of course, "Yes!" to which my sister responded, "In case of a yo-yo emergency?" I wouldn't be surprised if he always had easy access to a yo-yo wherever he went!"
"One of my biggest regrets to this day is not taking the time to have him show me how to do some of the tricks he knew. Although there are videos on YouTube and I have some of the trick booklets that were my father's, it's missing out on the experience of him teaching me the tricks that I regret."
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The Museum of Yo-Yo History acknowledges and thanks Lynn, Steve, Elaine, and Kathie for making the entire Gerald Schick exhibits possible! |  |
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