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The Museum of Yo-Yo History is a labor of love, and we would not be able to stay up-to-date with exhibits without the support of our sponsors and curators. Big thanks go to One Drop Design and Duncan for supplying us with their latest models, YoYoExpert for their help and support, and to Cody Orr, TotalArtist and YoYoBrothers™ for allowing us to use their collections!

If you're a manufacturer, or just a big collector and you want to help support the Museum drop me at line at chimera@yoyomuseum.com
Duncan FreeHand Zero - Samurai Tour
Exhibit #3165
TypeSpecial Release
ShapeConcave )-(
PackagingBubble Carded
ConstructionMulti-piece plastic
ResponseFriction Sticker
GapAdjustable - Spacers
OwnerRick Brough

In 2006, Duncan Yo-Yo sponsored the Samurai Tour. The tour visited Japan and Singapore and concluded at the 2006 multi-national Asia Pacific Contest in Malaysia. The tour consisted of Duncan Crew team members from USA, Brazil, and Japan. Some of the team members included Jack Ringca, Mark McBride, Rafael Matsunaga, and Takahiko Hasegawa. During the tour, team members updated the www.yoyosamuraitour.com website on a daily basis with pictures and blog posts. Unfortunately, the website was taken offline many years ago.

To commemorate the tour, a special limited edition of the Freehand Zero was released by Duncan. The Samurai Tour edition yo-yo has the exact same specs as the regular release Freehand Zero, but with specially designed side caps. The yo-yo was first made available at the World Yo-Yo Contest, August 10-12, 2006 in Orlando, Florida and at the National Yo-Yo Contest, October 6-8, 2006 in Chico, California.

Collected November 27, 2017.

Original retail price: $ US.
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2005-2024 Software © David W. Hall & Grahame BaptieWright
Content by David W. Hall & Rick Brough